Regional Report - First Half of 2012

By Mike Berg
Indiana Regional Representative

As first presented in American Currents, Volume 37 Number 4, Fall (October) 2012
NANFA News Members, Events, Accomplshments and Administrivia

Provided information on NANFA at the annual HOW (Hoosier Outdoor Writers) Conference, May 4-6, 2012. My brother, Tom Berg (The executive director of HOW) made sure our pamphlets were available to all that needed them.  In June, I set up an outing for Southern Indiana with the help of Dr. Jim Wetzel & PJ Arant.  We sampled the Blue River & Patoka Wildlife Area. It was a good trip, and even though it was extremely hot, we encountered a lot of diversity, including what might be an un-described Crayfish according to Dr. Jim Wetzel. The water level was extremely low, but with the help of beaver dams we found the second place to try. I was amazed by the number of Grass Pickerel in this area; have never seen dozens at the same time before.