The first regional meeting of 2002 of the NANFA New England chapter was held on Sunday, April 14th. Attendance wasn't as high as it's been in the past, but that was most likely due to the gorgeous weather (high 70s/low 80s). I know a couple of people who were planning on attending, that got side tracked to yard work! But never the less, the meeting went on with 7 people in attendance (4 of them current NANFA members). Applications went to the others.

The meeting started out with the usual mulling around the display tanks at the nature center, talking fish, and eating snacks..including the obligatory goldfish crackers, a staple at all NANFA New England meetings! NANFA member Brian Bastarache did a great power point presentation on the native fishes of Massachusetts (vs. the introduced species). We also talked about spreading some of the work load out to other members, but it was tabled until another meeting, when more people are in attendance. After the meeting, several of us (Brian, George Arndt, Rich Butts, and I) went to the Taunton River to do some dip netting. The trip started off with George slipping and sinking into the marsh bank! But he got his killifish anyway. We collected Mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus), Threespine Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and Fourspine Sticklebacks (Apeltes quadracus), along with tons of shore shrimps (Paleamonetes sp.) and lots of small crabs (Neopanope sayi and others). So Rich and George got to go home with some fish. We will be planning another meeting soon, hopefully for next month. Keep your eyes out on the NANFA discussion list for further info.

Rick Rego
NANFA New England Reg. Rep.