The 1998 Pacific Northwest NANFA Region's annual meeting was held in Poulsbo, Washington on August 8-9, 1998.  For our fish collecting activities, our guide Paul Dorn took us to four sites on Dogfish Creek.  This creek flows into Liberty Bay in downtown Poulsbo, located on the Kitsap Peninsula west across Puget Sound from Seattle.  Nearly the entire creek flows through developed land.  We sampled fish populations, learned about salmon biology and life history, effects of development on habitat and fish populations, and planned stream-cleaning and bank-revegetation activities to improve the habitat of Dogfish Creek.

These activities were planned and supervised by Paul, who is a professional salmon biologist, and conducted in part to aid in the Suquamish Indian Tribe's biological assessment of East Kitsap County streams.  We thank Paul for taking the time to share his expertise, and we thank him for generously opening his home to us.  He provided us all with a weeked we'll not forget.

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Site 1- A small tributary (South Fork of Dogfish Creek) flowing through a residential neighborhood

2paulndave.gif (3562 bytes) Paul Dorn and Dave Lains electroshocking the small stream, which here flows through the backyard of an elderly local resident.  Notice how the yard is mowed right to the stream bank.  In addition, the owner uses fertilizer on her grass.  We invited her to see the fish we found, and mentioned that fertilizers and pesticides applied to the grass were likely to find their way into the creek.  She was surprised that there were so many fish in the small creek.    Hopefully she'll develop a sense of "ownership".

2cutthroat.gif (3131 bytes) Small cutthroat trout were all we found but there were lots of them.


Site 2 - Dogfish Creek at a site where it passes under a road between a shopping center and a city park.

2grouppo4.gif (3652 bytes) This hole held an adult Western brook lamprey and a juvenile (known as an ammocoete), plus some more juvenile cutthroat trout.  This section was carved out by a back hoe, and the culvert was new.  Jay DeLong, Norm Edelen, Amy Leudtke, Layn Leudke, Paul Dorn and Dave Lains are pictured.

2lampbott.gif (3391 bytes) Adult Western brook lamprey

2grouppo2.gif (2837 bytes) Left to right, foreground: Layne Leudtke, Mike and Thomas Messenger on the ground, Amy Leudtke, homeless guy under the tree, Lisa Hayashi and Norm Edelen.  Left to right, background: Dave Lains, Jeff Kruse, Paul Dorn and Katrina Kruse.

Site 3 - Undeveloped section of the creek

 2grouppou.gif (3311 bytes) Paul Dorn, Amy Leudtke, Layn Leudtke and Dave Lains fishing this thickly vegetated shaded section.  There were not many fine substrate particles like sand and mud here-- mostly gravel, cobble and boulders.  The water was clean and cold.

2cutthroat2.gif (2435 bytes) Larger cutthroat trout were more common, plus...

2coho.gif (3535 bytes) coho salmon fingerlings!

Site 4 - Near the mouth of the creek.  There was more current here and we found three sculpin species-- torrent sculpin, coastrange sculpin and prickly sculpin.

2mikentom.gif (2729 bytes) Father and son Michael and Thomas Messenger looking at sculpins in a  bucket.  We were all infected with 3-year-old Thomas' enthusiasm.

2coastrange2.gif (3793 bytes) Coastrange sculpin, the most abundant sculpin we found