The Willamette River is a major tributary of the Columbia River. It originates in west-central Oregon, and flows north through Portland and into the Columbia just north of Portland. Many of our region's NANFA member live in the Portland area.
For this trip, they drove 1-1/2 hours south to sample two sites on the Willamette River near Corvallis and the home of our regonal representatve Dan Logan. The first site was a slough called Boone Channel because there are many native and non-native species to be found there. Several native species are pictured below. We also found the following non-pictured native species: northern pikeminnow Ptychocheilus oregonensis, chiselmouth Acrocheilus alutaceus, speckled dace Rhynichthys osculus, and largescale sucker Catostomus macrocheilus.
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Joe Middleton, Dan Logan, Rachel Lusby, Wayne Yamashita, Lisa Hayshi and Norm Edelen
This was an effective way to collect riffle species.
Reticulate sculpin Cottus perplexus
Breeding color male redside shiner Richardsonius balteatus
Then we went to a site on the Willamette River called Irish Bend, in search of leopard dace.
Seining the river are Rachel Lusby, Dan Logan, Joe Middleton, Norm Edelen and Lisa Hayashi
Dan and Norm getting ready to drag a seine
Checking the net are Rachel, Joe, Dan, and Jay DeLong
Top and bottom are leopard dace Rhynichthys falcatus; middle fish is speckled dace R. osculus