NANFA-L-- RE: new member says hi (fwd)

Peter Unmack (peter.lists at)
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 10:49:55 -0500 (CDT)

I'm just forwarding this along as it bounced to me. Arthit, when
responding to digest messages, you must delete the old message or else it
will always bounce to me as there is a limit on the length of messages
that can be sent.

From: "Arthit Prasartkul" <>
Subject: RE: new member says hi

Hi all,

Thanks for the warm welcome. I currently do my Master's in Public
Administration, concentrated in Environmental Policy.

For artcles on Thailand's fish collection trips, pls see some of our
members' articles-in- . Pls
scroll down the page, til you see english version of the text.

I hope to join the Nanfa conference.



Arthit Prasartkul
38/4 Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok 10110 Thailand
Tel. 09 121 1120
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