Subject: NANFA-L-- Clove Oil
From: Bob Culler (
Date: Sun Aug 08 2004 - 22:56:21 CDT
At 02:39 PM 8/8/04 -0400, Bob Bock wrote:
>Hi Peter. You said clove oil also knocks fish out temporarily. Can it be
>used as a short term tranquilizer, say, for fish photography? What
>strength would it have to be?
Going on memory, the dosage is .25 to .50 ppm clove oil in water. I have
used it several times on larger fish (sunfish and suckers) for anesthesia
in parasite removal or other minor surgeries. The fish turn belly-up in
about 3-5 minutes. Once the desired state is achieved, I do whatever I need
to and return the fish to fresh water. They recover in about the same time
it takes to knock them out.
Ranger Bob
Holston R. Drainage
Kingsport, TN
"The power of humans to degrade the natural world is awesome; the
capability to reconstitute it later is mythical."
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: Wed Sep 29 2004 - 12:24:18 CDT