RE: NANFA-L-- Killer rain?

Nick Zarlinga (
Wed, 31 Aug 2005 07:33:48 -0400

I have not seen any more post on this. Was there any further discussions?

Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485

"Who hears the fishes when they cry?"
Henry Thoreau--1817-1862

><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From:
><)> []On Behalf
><)> Of Mysteryman
><)> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:25 PM
><)> To:;
><)> Subject: NANFA-L-- Killer rain?
><)> After some heavy rains this week, I've lost all
><)> the fish in all my
><)> ponds.. When I went to the local petshop for some
><)> supplies, I discovered
><)> that everyone in town had the same problem. After
><)> Friday's big rain,
><)> everything died in every pond in town. Nothing was
><)> spared but the
><)> vascular plants; fish, tadpoles, even aquatic
><)> insects were all wiped out
><)> completely, along with the algae. Now everyone's
><)> ponds are nearly
><)> crystal clear but nearly devoid of life.
><)> I immediately thought of acid rain, but a battery
><)> of water tests shows
><)> nothing unusual.
><)> Any ideas? Has this ever happened to any of you?
><)> I was able to save a few fish by bringing them
><)> inside, and once in the
><)> tanks they recovered completely. There are no
><)> signs of any disease. By
><)> the time I went out for a second batch they were
><)> all dead; everything
><)> was dead within 3 hours of the rain.
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