NANFA-L-- Cape Girardeau Convention & Visitors Bureau - alternate places
Wed, 16 Aug 2006 20:43:53 EDT
The other day, I e-mailed the Cape Girardeau Vistitors Bureau about
alternate places to stay and other attractions about the area. A lady by the name of
Betty responded the following day and stated they are mailing information to
me. Her signature block is below mine.
By the way, will there be some Internet access at the convention?
Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Cape Girardeau Convention & Visitors Bureau
100 Broadway
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
573-334-6702 (Fax)
800-777-0068 (Toll Free)
_visitcape-in-capegirardeaucvb.org_ (
_www.visitcape.com_ (
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