Andrew Gunthorpe
Northern Virginia
On 8/20/06, Carol Jackson <> wrote:
> Uh becky the fish you are keeping will be about 1 foot long and if your
> bluegill breed they will have to use the all the sandy side making your
> other fish crowded on one side
> also those fish eat ALOT.
> If I were you I would try to soften the water and throw in some salt(ask
> your local pet store for salt)
> When your fish start to breed just throw them back in a lake or stream
> If I where you I would dump your fish and start over because unless you
> cycled(puting in a single fish and let sit for 3-4 months)
> Or used lake water your fish will suffer
> also those fish need 100s of gallons of swiming room or will stunt(when
> fish are in a small body of water or overcrowded they stay small) they will
> do badly
> if you are willing to use your 75 set it up with sand bottom and only
> put in the bluegill.
> Fellow native newbie Robert Nichols Greenville South Carolina
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