--Bruce Stallsmith
from the heart of the Tennessee Valley
Huntsville, AL, US of A
Good morning NANFA members,
This year's meeting of the Desert Fishes Council in Death Valley (16-19
November 2006) will include a Symposium on the role of captive and refuge
populations in native fish conservation, as well as an evening discussion
It would be great to get participation, and hopefully presentations, from
NANFA members who have experience with maintaining native fishes in
captivity or creating naturalistic refuges.
The Desert Fishes Council (DFC) is an international organization numbering
in excess of 250 agency, university, and private research and management
scientists and many other individuals concerned with the long-term integrity
of North Americas desert ecosystems. This year's meetings will be held in
Death Valley, California, birthplace of the council's mission. All fish
enthusiasts are welcome.
Information on the meeting, registration and abstract submittal is available
on the web at http://desertfishes.org/.
Early registration and abstract submittal deadlines are September 3rd.
If you have an idea for a talk or need further information, please feel free
to contact me (info below).
Hope to see you in Death Valley this year,
- Stewart
Stewart B. Reid, Ph.D.
Desert Fishes Council - Program Secretary
2045 East Main St
Ashland OR 97520
(541) 488-5154; 890-1669 (cell)
Specializing in the Biology and Stewardship of Western Fishes
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