Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Riparian Vegetation was "Creek Chubs?"
From: Todd D. Crail (tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu)
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 07:24:02 CST
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Zarlinga" <>
> What happens in the winter time when the grasses die back? Don't all the
> locked up nutrients end up back in the stream? Don't woody plants lock up
> more of these nutrients year round?
Do the grasses etc immediately rot and disappear? Think of it as a
continuum, a scheduled or metered cycle and flow of nutrients.
Conversely, it's a lot easier for leaves to make their way down a stream
than it is stems of forbs and grasses that are matted against the ground
after first snow, no?
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:41:44 CST