Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Apple snails and fish
From: James Smith (
Date: Sat Dec 04 2004 - 14:51:49 CST
I have canas and brigs in with some mollies (P. latipinna) in a tank
that is around 75F. I keep some canning salt in the water to prevent
fuzzy fish and it doesn't seem to bother the snails. In fact they are
growing like crazy! I don't actually measure the salt but if I had to
guess I'd say around a tablespoon per ten gallon water change. I dump
the salt into my hand then toss it in the bucket of new water to
dissolve it before it goes in the tank, that way no crystals are
landing on the snails. I actually do 5 gallon water changes, but I'm
estimating that I remember the salt 50% of the time :-)
On Sat, 4 Dec 2004 14:15:17 EST,
<> wrote:
> The water will be very hard with dissolved substances such as calcium, which
> is neccessary for apple snails to buil the shell.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:41:45 CST