Subject: Re: { SPAM 1 }::RE: NANFA-L-- Sunfish question
From: John Knight (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 16:59:55 CST
My 2 cents,
Sunfish are a tricky group. First and foremost in my opinion is to
collect small fish. Otherwise the "battle royal" situation is
definetely the truth. In my experience longer tanks work better than
tall tanks, with lots, and lots of snags.
I think I have tried most species-in-one point or another. but assuming
you desire a community tank, here's my input
auritus- a fighter, but o.k. if small enough.
gulosis- my personal favorite (great personality and truely a woderful
tank fish, if all fish are basically the same size)
Greenie meanies- enough said(great fish when by themselves)
megalotis/dollars- great fish, but again be wary of size differences
punctatus/miniatus- good fish, but again be wary of size, and they don't
seem to compete well for food
A. arioumus/rupestris- stay away. I have had both and each time they
were the last standing.
macrochirus- junk fish, never kept them( I might catch heat for this
In my opinion (for what it's worth) there are a couple of keys here.
Lots of surface area (long tanks v/s tall), lots of LWD, introduce the
fish-in-the same time if possible, and get a warmouth. In my opinion
these are just wonderful pets. Just keep a lid on the tank. I lost my
warmouth in an apparent moth jumping incident. I kept mine for over 2
years, with a coosa bass, a dollar, and some stud bluehead chubs. There
were mishaps, but the tank seemed content
I have never tried darters with sunnies, so please keep us posted on how
this works out. I have enough trouble keeping my darters fed with my
swarm of cyprinnids..
>>> 12/06/04 10:31 AM >>>
I started a tank with small sunfish (~ 1-1.5") several months ago and
haven't had any problems yet. 2 longears, 1 bluegill and 1 orangespotted
are peacefully coexisting with several Orangethroat darters (now smaller
than the sunfish) and half a dozen Common and Carmine shiners (larger
the sunfish).
This may change as the sunfish continue to grow, however.
Steve Haslouer
Topeka, KS
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:41:49 CST