Re: { SPAM 2 }::Re: { SPAM 1 }::RE: NANFA-L-- Sunfish question

Subject: Re: { SPAM 2 }::Re: { SPAM 1 }::RE: NANFA-L-- Sunfish question
From: John Knight (
Date: Tue Dec 07 2004 - 15:07:40 CST

By no means do i have any problems with any of these fish. Personally I
have only collected E. glorious and have never tried to keep them. I
was too far from my house and didn't want to chance the long ride home
in a cooler. What are your experiences with this group? As always, I
am interested in keeping a new species.

I guess I do discriminate a little against bluegills probably because of
the blinding stocking efforts (for that matter I feel the same about
LMB's as well). Although I have to admit I would consider keeping a "Ga
Giant" (blueXgreen hybrid). Thers's a guy in South Ga hybridizing these
guys and stocking them all over the state. I have collected a few from
the Conasauga (North GA). Talking about a stocking nightmare waiting to
happen. But truely a handsome/powerful looking fish (Yep I know I am a


>>> 12/07/04 1:17 PM >>>
In a message dated 12/7/04 10:49:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> My 2 cents,
> Sunfish are a tricky group. First and foremost in my opinion is to
> collect small fish. Otherwise the "battle royal" situation is
> definetely the truth. In my experience longer tanks work better than
> tall tanks, with lots, and lots of snags.

Do you a problem with Enneacanthus glorious, E. obesus, or E. chaetodon.
of which are the only civilized sunfish?


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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:41:50 CST