RE: NANFA-L-- Photos of my tank

Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Photos of my tank
From: Kudzu (
Date: Sat Dec 11 2004 - 13:50:26 CST

Thanks for all the compliments. :-)) I hate to say this but this tank is
just literally thrown together. There is not rhyme or reason to the
arrangement. But I guess that is the way natured does it too. We just moved
in and I had three tanks to break down and move. I just put the plants in
there and filled it with water. My main purpose was to keep the plants alive
till I get my 125 to replace this one.

I looked up the plants and I think there are Rotala. Either Rotala
Indica/Roundifolia Rotala Macrandra. I traded with someone for them and I
don't remember what they are. My goal is plants is just something easy to
grow. I never got big in plants, just wanted the look plants offer. So much
better (to me) than a bare tank.

Jeff <*\\><
Cold and drizzle today

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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:41:53 CST