NANFA-L-- Saffron shiners et al.

Subject: NANFA-L-- Saffron shiners et al.
From: Todd D. Crail (tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu)
Date: Wed Dec 15 2004 - 08:24:31 CST

Okay... These guys are burning my eyes out. Viva hydrophlox, I guess :)

Will they maintain this color over the long term, or are they just
responding to the move to 65 degrees? They're not hot red yet like the
Roston pics, but man that yellow lateral stripe is something to watch under
the halides! It flickers! And that's something you don't get to see in

I'm a little disappointed with how the swannona darters washed out, but I
LOVE the olive color with the offset earthy orange. What a color combo. Yum

And I really need to get robust sized male redlines. I only have 2
submales, but even still... they look like someone smeared lipstick all over

So glad I have more tank space. Now I can enthusiastically enjoy all of the
continent's fishes, without feeling obligated to "keep it Ohio" for
education purposes :)

The Muddy Maumee Madness, Toledo, OH
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:41:56 CST