Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Mudminnow behaviour
From: Bob Bock (
Date: Sun Dec 19 2004 - 11:48:51 CST
They're tiny lurking predators. The eastern mudminnows that I've kept tend to not do very much else but wait near cover for food to come by, and then dash out and grab it. They're like pike and pickerel in that respect, only much smaller. And they're mouths are small enough so that they can't swallow other mud minnows of nearly equal size whole.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12/19/2004 12:39:24 PM
Subject: NANFA-L-- Mudminnow behaviour
I remember hearing that mudminnows hover in the water column, examining small particles that float by, to see if they are food. Is this correct?
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:41:59 CST