Subject: NANFA-L-- Fw: [Rainbowfish] Fw: [Aqua-culture] News on Koi virus
From: Jim Graham (
Date: Sun Dec 19 2004 - 14:01:56 CST
Thought this might be of interest.
Jim Graham
Hastings MI
Though aimed-in-an American audience, perhaps this might be interesting to
Australians. Myxamatosis for carp? Environmental, aquaculture, fisheries
and agriculture impacts of carp in Australia make a carp virus an
interesting concept to look into. If the threat to native and commercial
species is proved to be minimal then releasing such a virus might be
considered an acceptable risk if we can reduce the impact of these aquatic
What do the the folks "in the know" think?
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
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Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 7:36 AM
Subject: [Aqua-culture] News on Koi virus
WFGA NEWS - Printer Friendly Page
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Scientists monitoring deadly virus in carp
LA CROSSE, Wis. — At a glance the two recently discovered viruses that are
killing common carp would seem to be good news.
After all, what could be better for our fisheries than a disease that kills
a prolific and large-growing exotic fish that has invaded nearly every lake
and river from coast to coast? Common carp compete with native species for
food and habitat, as well as muddy the water and uproot beneficial
But the situation is more complicated than that, because what kills common
carp might also threaten other species.
"Those of us faced with the spread of Asian carp are hopeful that the virus
will affect them and not our desirable native fish populations," said a
spokesman for the Mississippi Interstate Cooperative Resource Association
in reporting on koi herpes virus (KHV).
Those Asian carp — grass, silver, bighead and black — have spread
throughout many of the nation's rivers and seem destined to pose far more
of a problem
than the common carp, which was introduced more than a century ago.
Thus far, KHV has been detected in the United States only in ornamental
a relative of the carp.
Spring viremia virus (SVV), however, is already present in the wild and
killed an estimated 20,000 common carp two years ago in Wisconsin's Cedar
It has also been detected in carp in the Illinois River-in-Alsip.
"A lot of Asian carp species might be susceptible (to SVV), but we just
don't know-in-this point. On the Illinois River, we didn't find the virus
them," said Becky Lasee, an assistant project leader-in-the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service's La Crosse Fish Health Center.
"Also, we don't know how it will affect native species. Some viruses in
northern pike are similar and that is a concern."
Iowa biologist Scott Gritters added that no evidence has yet been found
bass might be susceptible to SVV.
"It has been induced in pike in labs. It could infect other fish as well,"
he said. "What's really important to remember is that when we move fish, we
move their diseases with them."
Some theorize that SVV came into this country with koi and has since spread
to common carp, and that is also a concern with KHV.
The latter first was isolated in Israel in 1998, and since has been
in koi in Europe and Asia, as well as the United States. Last year, it
started killing common carp in Japan.
"In the past 30 years, it's the worst and most rapidly spreading virus I've
dealt with," said Ron Hedrick, who studies infectious diseases in fish at
the University of California-Davis.
Not surprisingly, researchers are scrambling to improve detection methods
for both viruses, as well as searching for their origins. For example, they
would like to know if the diseases moved into carp from other species. Much
same work continues with largemouth bass virus (LMBV).
"Finding out where these things are originating might change the way they
are handled in the future," said Hedrick.
Some believe that the ornamental fish trade has contributed significantly
the spread of the carp viruses and possibly even brought LMBV into this
country in other fish species.
Copyright ©2002 The Washington Fish Growers Association, all rights
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:41:59 CST