As I said earlier I think I have black crappie but not certain. I got the fish two weeks ago. Neighbors pond overflowing from all the rain and washing fish out of the oveflow. They were in my tank for 5 days and they ignore all dry foods so I got some feeder fish for them.
It's been a week now and I have added no more fish since I kind of overfeed them. I was thinking that I didn't want to keep buying feeders right now so I decided to try some freeze dried Brine shrimp I had one more time.
I have a power head in one corner of the tank pointed-in-the top of the tank aimed-in-the surface for water circulation. As the B.S. start to sink the current blows them to the opposite side of the tank and then they sink and start back toward the intake on the power head. So far they have ignored them but tonight-in-least two of the fish are taking them! Since they are shy fish I have left them alone with some more shrimp but I am excited they they have taken something besides live fish!!
Jeff <*\\><
It's cold in the deep south!