Subject: NANFA-L-- Mystery Darter
Date: Sat Dec 25 2004 - 02:02:35 CST
Yes, my wife may be right when she says I'm obsessed with native fishes. After all here I am about 2:30am Christmas morning consumed trying for the hundreth time or so to identify the mystery darter I collected back in the late 80's or early 90's.
The site was a short distance east of Rt 65, a small creek south off Rt 54 in sw Mo. In very shallow riffles in early summer I found abundant specimens of a large (some 4+ inches), fierce looking darter. They were similar to local NY fantails but much deeper bodies, sharp snouts, color was uniformly very dark brown, almost black overall including fins. Front dorsal very jagged/spiney looking.
The site was quite a hike down a deep embankment and far from the road, which had little shoulder leaving a greater proportion of my car sticking out in the lane.
Anybody out that way have any ideas? About the fish please not my sanity. I may have to make a side trip if we visit relatives near Kansas City this coming summer {read NANFA Conference Arkansas:)}
Mike Lucas
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:42:04 CST