NANFA-L-- Off TopicII- AR Snake Guide....

Subject: NANFA-L-- Off TopicII- AR Snake Guide....
From: Schlueter, Scott L LRB (
Date: Mon Dec 27 2004 - 13:04:54 CST

I apologize, one more time. In case your interested, this reference is for a
free Arkansas Snake Guide.
Niagara R/Western NY

        Arkansas Snake Guide

by Kelly J. Irwin

A product of the skillful pen of state herpetologist Kelly J. Irwin, this
publication is a quick and handy reference to Arkansas snakes, and
supplements the information appearing in the recently (2004) published
"Amphibians and Reptiles of Arkansas" by Stanley E. Trauth, Henry W. Robison,
and Michael V. Plummer. Co-sponsored by The Center for North American
Herpetology, this 50-page booklet features the exquisite color photography of
Suzanne L. Collins (CNAH, Lawrence, Kansas), and includes text and images for
all 36 kinds of serpents known to inhabit Arkansas.

Species included (by common name as they appear in the booklet): Copperhead,
Cottonmouth, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, Western
Pigmy Rattlesnake, Texas Coral Snake, Scarlet Snake, Milk Snake, Mississippi
Green Water Snake, Plainbelly Water Snake, Broad-banded Water Snake,
Diamondback Water Snake, Northern Water Snake, Racer, Great Plains Rat Snake,
Black Rat Snake, Eastern Hognose Snake, Prairie Kingsnake, Speckled
Kingsnake, Coachwhip, Rough Green Snake, Western Ribbon Snake, Common Garter
Snake, Mud Snake, Graham's Crayfish Snake, Glossy Crayfish Snake, Queen
Snake, Eastern Worm Snake, Western Worm Snake, Ringneck Snake, Ground Snake,
Brown Snake, Redbelly Snake, Flathead Snake, Rough Earth Snake, and Smooth
Earth Snake.

An essential addition to the library of any North American herpetologist.

For greater comprehension and ease of use (both among herpetologists and the
general public), this booklet adopts common names as they listed in the
recently published (2002) Standard Common and Current Scientific Names for
North American Amphibians, Turtles, Reptiles, and Crocodilians. Fifth Edition
by Collins & Taggart (Available gratis from The Center for North American

To request a copy, call 1-800-482-8845

CNAH: The initial printing of 5,000 copies of this booklet was quickly
exhausted. A second printing (15,000 copies) is anticipated. Be patient;
additional information on availability will be posted by CNAH as we receive
it from Arkansas Game & Fish.

Irwin, Kelly J. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, Little Rock. 50 pp.
ISBN None . $Gratis.

-----Original Message-----
Schlueter, Scott L LRB
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 1:58 PM
Subject: NANFA-L-- Off Topic- AR Herp Book....

Hi all,
Discovered this and thought I would pass it along for those interested in the
other lower verts one may encounter-in-the '05 convention.

Happy Holidays!!!!
Scott Schlueter
Niagara R/Western NY

        Arkansas Herp Book
Full title: The Amphibians and Reptiles of Arkansas

The product of fifteen years of work by three well-known herpetologists, this
book is a comprehensive examination of the amphibians, turtles, and reptiles
of Arkansas, featuring over 136 species and subspecies. With over five
hundred four-color photos, illustrations (by Renn Tumlison), and over one
hundred maps, this user-friendly book will become the definitive text on the

"This is a stunning and wonderful contribution to the natural history of
Arkansas, crammed with information and spectacular photography. The authors
bring together their extensive knowledge of different groups and meld them in
a way that ensures that The Amphibians and Reptiles of Arkansas will be a
lasting and frequently used compendium."-Joseph T. Collins, Director of The
Center for North American Herpetology, Wildlife Author Laureate of Kansas,
co-author of the Peterson Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern
and Central North America, Third Edition, and author of Amphibians and
Reptiles in Kansas.

"This book is obviously a labor of love. . . . The authors have done an
excellent job. The text is well written, and the photographs and
illustrations are superb. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Arkansas is an
essential addition to the library of any herpetologist, and will be accepted
eagerly by the scientific community."- James Dixon, Professor Emeritus at
Texas A & M University and author of Texas Snakes and Amphibians and Reptiles
of Texas.

"This is a major work. The authors have done a superb job of compiling the
most definitive work on the herpetofauna of Arkansas to date. The photography
and illustrations are well done and the text is replete with pertinent
information. The extensive and well-written keys to larval amphibians are
absent from most state herpetological works, and for this reason alone
herpetologists and biologists will use this work as an important reference.
The authors are to be commended for producing this exhaustive and much-needed
work by synthesizing their collective expertise and experience into a single
volume."- Kelly Irwin, Herpetologist, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.

An essential addition to the library of any herpetologist.

For greater comprehension and ease of use, this book adopts the standard
common names as they appeared in the "Peterson Field Guide to Reptiles and
Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America Third Edition & Third Edition
Expanded" by Roger Conant and Joseph T. Collins, and as recently maintained
and continued by The Center for North American Herpetology (Collins & Taggart
2002, Standard Common and Current Scientific Names for North American
Amphibians, Turtles, Reptiles, and Crocodilians. Fifth Edition).

Trauth, S. E., H. W. Robison & M. V. Plummer. University of Arkansas Press,
Fayetteville. 431 pp.
ISBN 1-55728-737-6 (cloth); 1-55728-738-4 (paper back). $45.00 (cloth) To
order: 1-800-626-0090.

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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:42:05 CST