Re: NANFA-L-- Bubbles from the substrate

Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Bubbles from the substrate
From: James Smith (
Date: Tue Dec 28 2004 - 08:45:26 CST

You're lucky, I have a 20 gallon tank with mollies in it where the
salt kills the MTS (or-in-least keeps them closed in their shells all
day) but I have to stir the gravel every durn day. It smells horrible
too! I used pea sized river rocks in that tank instead of the black
aquarium stuff I normally use. It makes everything seem yellowish and
I would venture a guess that that is what is causing my anarobic
problems too.


On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 06:38:06 -0800 (PST), Sajjad Lateef
<> wrote:
> Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 23:14:08 -0500
> From: "Todd D. Crail" <tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu>
> Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Bubbles from the substrate
> - ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sajjad Lateef" <>
> My guess is that there is anaerobic decomposition going on
> in the substrate and the H2S is building up and slowly
> releasing.
> Hi Sajjad,
> It could be a lot of gasses. It could be CO2 released from the
> respiration of the biofilms processing the mulm (the films trap
> the CO2 until it can overcome the surface tension). It could be
> methane released by autotrophs in the same films.
> Or yeah, it could be sulfides.
> In my book, if you can't smell it, it's not a problem,
> I stirred up the substrate with a stick and there were a whole
> lot more bubbles that were released. The odorless gas is niether
> H2S nor CH4. I am now thinking that it is likely C02.
> The only new thing I can think of is that my house water supply
> is now being softened with NaCl instead of KCl. That must have
> activated some microbes into processing the mulm.
> It's not high nitrates (the fish are active). But, I'll do another
> large water change.
> Sajjad
> =====
> --
> Sajjad Lateef e-mail: sajjadlateef AT yahoo DOT com
> Chicago
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:42:07 CST