Jim Graham
Hastings MI
Thornapple River Drainage
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Ramsey" <djramsey-in-earthlink.net>
To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Reg-worm eggs
> >From: "Sajjad Lateef" <sajjadlateef-in-yahoo.com>
>> The grindal worms are doing OK, but, not as well as expected.
>> The trick is feeding very little, otherwise the leftover food
>> spoils the culture.
> I keep 4 plastic shoeboxes of grindal worms. I have had the same 4 boxes
> without starting over for nearly 2 years. I feed morning and night, small
> bits of high quality all natural dogfood. Each and every day I get a level
> teaspoon or better from-in-least 3 of the 4 shoeboxes. Feeding food in
> pieces instead of scattering really fine stuff means the worms congregate
> on
> the larger pieces of food, making scooping off to feed very easy. If you
> are
> feeding baby cereal or something like that I don't think you will ever get
> any decent amount of worms. I never did.
> David Ramsey Lawrenceville, GA
> djramsey-in-earthlink.net
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