Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
><)> >Hello,
><)> >
><)> > This message from McDonald & Woodward
><)> Publishing Company is
><)> >being sent to you as an field biologist who works
><)> with aquatic
><)> >resources, vegetation, biomes, conservation
><)> biology, or natural
><)> >resource management. This note describes five
><)> recent, new, and
><)> >forthcoming books that might be of interest to you, your
><)> >professional associates, your students, or your
><)> libraries, and it
><)> >announces several discount opportunities related
><)> to the purchase of
><)> >these books.
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> > On October 15, 2004, we released Vernal
><)> Pools: Natural History
><)> >and Conservation, by Elizabeth A. Colburn. This
><)> is the most
><)> >comprehensive and substantive synthesis available
><)> of the natural
><)> >history, ecology, and conservation of the
><)> seasonally wet pools that
><)> >occur throughout much of North America. The pools
><)> of the formerly
><)> >glaciated regions of eastern North America are
><)> emphasized, but the
><)> >information on pool history, content, and
><)> ecology, and conservation
><)> >issues relevant to vernal pools, is applicable to
><)> pools in any
><)> >geographic region. This title is more fully described-in-
><)> ><>www.mwpubc
><)> >Vernal Pools is available in both hardcover
><)> ($39.95) and softcover
><)> >($29.95) bindings.
><)> >
><)> >
><)> > Over the past two years, numerous
><)> biologists and ecologists
><)> >involved with studying, monitoring, managing,
><)> conserving, or
><)> >teaching about freshwater resources have become
><)> acquainted with our
><)> >very popular, accessible, substantive, and
><)> beautifully illustrated
><)> >book A Guide to Common Freshwater Invertebrates
><)> of North America,
><)> >written by J. Reese Voshell and illustrated by
><)> Amy Bartlett Wright.
><)> >This book may be reviewed-in-
><)> ><>
><)> m/inverts.htm.
><)> >This title is still available-in-a list price of
><)> $29.95, but the
><)> >cost of printing is increasing and we will not be
><)> able to hold this
><)> >price beyond the current printing.
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> > Also of interest is Hazel Delcourt's Forests
><)> in Peril: Tracking
><)> >Deciduous Trees from Ice-Age Refuges into the
><)> Greenhouse World.
><)> >Forests in Peril reviews the history of the
><)> Eastern Broadleaf
><)> >Deciduous Forest over the past 20,000 years and
><)> suggests ways by
><)> >which the modern forest might be managed to
><)> preserve its integrity
><)> >and distinctiveness as Earth continues to
><)> experience greenhouse
><)> >warming. Forests in Peril presents a model by
><)> which the geologically
><)> >recent and near future history of other biomes
><)> also might be
><)> >investigated, described, and conserved. This
><)> title is more fully
><)> >described-in-
><)> ><>
><)> m/Forests.htm; it
><)> >was released late in 2002 and lists-in-$24.95.
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> > In March, 2005, we will release Let the
><)> River Run Silver Again:
><)> >How One School Helped Return the American Shad to
><)> the Potomac River
><)> >-- And How You Too Can Help Restore our Living
><)> Waters. This is an
><)> >environmental conservation success story for
><)> students aged about 10
><)> >to 16 and the teachers, parents, and others who
><)> mentor them. Most
><)> >of this book follows students from one school in
><)> Maryland as they
><)> >take part in a major regional conservation
><)> initiative to restore
><)> >populations of the American shad to the
><)> Chesapeake Bay watershed and
><)> >to allow them to regain access to their
><)> traditional spawning areas.
><)> >A short section-in-the end of the book identifies
><)> pathways to the
><)> >development and implementation of water, wetland,
><)> and watershed
><)> >restoration projects that can be implemented
><)> anywhere. This title is
><)> >more fully described-in-
><)> ><>www.mwpubco
><)> .com/new_page_3.htm;
><)> >it will be printed in full color and will list-in-$14.95.
><)> >
><)> >
><)> > In May, 2005, we will release A Field Guide
><)> to Birds of the
><)> >Skyline Drive, Blue Ridge Parkway, and Great
><)> Smoky Mountains, by
><)> >Ernest Preston Edwards and with illustrations by
><)> Edward Murrell
><)> >Butler. Prepared in the style of the classic
><)> field guides, this book
><)> >contains color artist's renditions and field
><)> descriptions of all
><)> >species of birds known to occur in and within
><)> twenty miles of the
><)> >Blue Ridge and five miles of Great Smoky
><)> Mountains National Park.
><)> >The restricted area of coverage, and the
><)> corresponding shortened
><)> >list of birds that might reasonably be found
><)> there, will increase
><)> >the ease, rate, and confidence of identification
><)> of birds actually
><)> >observed in this heavily visited area. Additional
><)> descriptive
><)> >material for this title will be posted to our web
><)> site soon. This
><)> >title too will carry a prepublication discount.
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >New and Forthcoming Title Discounts:
><)> > It is McDonald & Woodward's policy to
><)> allow a special
><)> >discount on new and forthcoming books when they
><)> are ordered direct
><)> >from the publisher. In the case of Vernal Pools,
><)> the new-book
><)> >discount is 30% and the offer will extend through
><)> April 30, 2005. In
><)> >the case of Let the River Run Silver Again, the
><)> pre-publication
><)> >discount is also 30%, and will extend to the time
><)> that the title is
><)> >published, approximately March 31, 2005. M&W also
><)> allows the same
><)> >30% discount on any other of its titles that are
><)> purchased-in-the
><)> >same time as the new or forthcoming book. All of
><)> our titles may be
><)> >reviewed-in-<>
><)> >
><)> >Agency, Organization, and Education Discounts:
><)> > Following many requests from educators, educational
><)> >institutions, and agencies, we have established a
><)> permanent
><)> >education/agency discount schedule which allows
><)> qualifying buyers to
><)> >make bulk purchases (5 or more units) intended
><)> for internal use. The
><)> >discount schedule to educators, educational
><)> organizations, and
><)> >agencies is as follows: 1-4 copies, no discount; 5-9
><)> >copies, 20%; 10-24 copies, 30%; 25-49 copies,
><)> 40%; 50-99 copies,
><)> >45%; 100 or more copies, 50%. Shipping is
><)> additional. This discount
><)> >schedule applies to all M&W titles.
><)> >
><)> > (Discounts from one schedule or offer may
><)> not be combined with
><)> >those of another.)
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> > We hope that you will review these
><)> resources and consider
><)> >whether they might be of interest to you or your
><)> associates. If they
><)> >do appear to be useful, we hope that you will
><)> consider placing an
><)> >order with us - either an order for Vernal Pools
><)> or Let the River
><)> >Run Silver Again (and any other titles, when
><)> purchased-in-the same
><)> >time)-in-the 30% discount rate or a bulk order
><)> for any of our titles
><)> >to take advantage of our educational and agency discounts.
><)> >
><)> > We also would be grateful if, after review
><)> and as appropriate,
><)> >you were to forward this information to others in
><)> your network who
><)> >might have an interest in knowing about the
><)> availability of these
><)> >resources, especially-in-the terms under which
><)> they are currently
><)> >available.
><)> >
><)> > Please give us a call if you have any questions.
><)> >
><)> > With appreciation,
><)> >
><)> >McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company
><)> >431-B East College Street
><)> >Granville, OH 43023
><)> >
><)> >740-321-1140 (voice)
><)> >740-321-1141 (fax)
><)> >
><)> >To be removed from our mailing lists, please click on
><)> ><> and
><)> >send.
><)> >
><)> >To receive infrequent notices (ca. 4-6 times per
><)> year) of new books and
><)> >special offers, please click on
><)> ><> and send.
><)> McDonald &
><)> >Woodward does not sell, trade, or otherwise share
><)> any of its customer
><)> >information with other entities.
><)> --
><)> Steve Prchal, Director
><)> Sonoran Arthropod Studies Institute
><)> PO Box 5624
><)> Tucson, AZ 85703-0624
><)> Phone: 520-883-3945
><)> Fax: 520-883-2578
><)> e-mail:
><)> website:
><)> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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