Am 28.02.2005 17:09 Uhr schrieb "Bob Bock" unter <>:
> Hi Mike. I'm starting up a walter worm culture as well, from a starter Lee
> gave me. Are they any harder to start than microworms? (I just saw some
> climbing up the sides of the container this morning, but they seem a little
> slower than the microworms.
> One thing about microworms--everyone says not to put too much yeast on top of
> the culture. I found that when I nearly cover the culture with yeast, I get
> better results. I also keep the culture warm by putting it on top of the
> furnace. This culture seems to grow faster than the non heated culture.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "" <>
> Sent: Feb 27, 2005 1:22 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Is the list running?
> I'm starting up vinegar eel and walterworm cultures with hopes of some
> spawning successes. Won't be any collecting here in the Capital District of NY
> more snow coming. But it's March Tuesday hope and spring is on its way.
> Mike Lucas
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