Thought I'd pass this along... Fantastic online guide of line drawings of
fishes provided by the friendly folks-in-Michigan DNR. They have a widely
distributed ichthyofauna, so even if you're in the south, you're going to find
a _lot_ of the drawings pertinent. The drawings for lake chub, atlantic
salmon and greenside darter are 404.,1607,7-153-10371_14793-30538--,00.html
If you're trying to download the maps as well... You will have to refresh them
a few times to get the full rendering of the state. It's a real pain in the
bootie, but if you're in surrounding states, it's good information to have.
Secondly, an update on the percipitate... After two more 80% water changes,
I've got it to where I think one more will take out the remainder of the
whatever is left reacting with the food. It's spooky how it flashes white
when I put in the food... It's-in-a point where it degrades if I don't feed
for a day, and it's not even near as close to opaque as it was. I could only
see in about 2"-in-the height of the white death.
Casualities were minimal fortuneately. I lost a small hogsucker that I was
trying to revive, and the bigeye shiners went early on. The banded topminnows
were covered in parasites and were flaring their gill plates and breathing
hard, but they're back to normal now without any treatment. There was no
noticible effect on other sensitive species SRBD besides that they didn't
color up-in-all lol. Pirate perch and madtoms handled it like champs.
Who really took it hard were the bivalves. I lost pretty much every corbicula
I had in the tank. I had around 10 in there that were doing just fine for
over a year, and they all surfaced about 3 weeks ago and wouldn't go back down
into the substrate. They're now starting to check out, having not fed or done
anything, or the sublethal effects have gone into the lethal phase. Oh well,
there's always more huh? ;)
Amazingly, the "secret clam accident" is just fine. It closed up for the
duration but started filtering again after the last waterchange. And that's
about all I'm going to say about that.
In short... If you're using concentrated sodium thiosulfate, be aware that you
need to dilute it before use to assure you don't over dose.
The Muddy Maumee Madness, Toledo, OH
It's never too late to have a happy childhood. <>
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