----Original Message Follows----
From: "njz" <njz-in-clevelandmetroparks.com>
Reply-To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
To: "NANFA" <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
Subject: NANFA-L-- Aquarium Workshop Announcement
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 23:22:24 -0500
We are pleased to announce:
The Carolina Aquarium Workshop XXI
February 25th, 26th, & 27th, 2005
The present schedule is as follows:
Friday, February, 25th
12:30pm Native Fish Collecting trip - Meet-in-the Wake County Commons Bldg
and return by 5:30pm. Contact Gerald Pottern-in-gpottern-in-rjgcarolina.com or
(919) 556-8845 to sign up and for further information.
7:30pm Registration
8:00pm Chad Bryant: Coral Propagation
9:15pm Neal Isaacs: Marine Invertebrates in Aquariums
Saturday, February 26th
8:30am Registration Begins
9:00am Neil Frank: Grow Aquarium Plants instead of Algae
10:30am Randy Carey: Practices and Qualities of the Master Breeders
11:30am - Plant Mini-Auction
12:00noon - Lunch (on your own)
1:00pm - Tim Thimioson: Discus- Care and Breeding
2:00pm - Rusty Wessel: Collecting in Mexico
3:00pm - Fish Mini-Auction
4:00pm - Ken Davis: Unusual Livebearer Species.
6:30pm - Italian Dinner w/Randy Carey: Why My Hands Are Wet
Sunday, February 27th
9:00am-11:00am - Auction Registration - (All items must be registered by
11:30am - Auction begins. Rules for the auction can be found-in-our website.
This year the event will be held-in-the (same place as last year):
Wake County Commons Building
4011 Carya Drive
Raleigh, NC 27610
All this for $15.00 per person OR family
Saturday's dinner is $15.00 per person
Suggested Accommodations:
Fairfield Inn by Marriott 2641 Appliance Drive (919)856-9800
Mainstay Suites Hotel 2601 Appliance Drive (919) 807-9970
Sleep Inn 2617 Appliance Drive (919)755-6005.
For more information, visit our website at:
Thank you,
Todd Wenzel
Publicity Chmn.
Todd & Dee Wenzel
402 Adrian Dr.
Garner, NC 27529
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