On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 09:46:56 -0500 (GMT-05:00), Bob Bock
<bockhouse-in-earthlink.net> wrote:
> Traci, I've kept mummichog off and on a lot over the years, and have never heard of this problem. How much salt are you using? Since you can't visually identify a parasite, maybe your fish's symptoms are related to osmotic problems.
> One treatment that might work: Try removing your mummichog to a small aquarium or container with full strength seawater. (A half cup of marine salt per gallon.) Mummichog have no trouble with this salinity. If it's a freshwater parasite or disease, the salt will likely kill it. This treatment has worked for me with sailfin mollies in the past, with dramatic results. One fish that was-in-death's door made a spectacular recovery the day after the salt treatment.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Traci Greve <rnbwdarter-in-yahoo.com>
> Sent: Jan 14, 2005 12:01 AM
> To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
> Subject: NANFA-L-- Speaking of Parasites- mummichog
> Speaking of parasites, I think one of my
> mummichogs(from SC) has a parasite infestation in his
> gills. I have been doing a lot of traveling lately so
> one of my friends has my fish. The last time I went to
> check on them the mummichog had it's operculums fully
> extended. The gills themselves were a white color, I
> assume this is bad. I didn't have time to take the
> fish asside and get a better look. It seemed very
> healty while being quarantined and actually grew quite
> a bit when it got home but has since stopped growing.
> It has been acclimated to fresh water w/ a pinch of
> salt. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this
> problem and what, if anything I can do about it.
> Traci Greve
> Knoxvile, TN / Ft Lauderdale, FL
> (If you are going to be in South Florida anytime in
> the next month, e-mail me)
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