Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
><)> > Greetings,
><)> >
><)> > *** WALK-ABOUT ***
><)> > Let's show see how many we are! Next Sunday,
><)> January 23rd-in-11:00am - we
><)> > meet-in-the Belle Isle Aquarium for a
><)> walk-about. Pass it along to your
><)> > friends. Let's aim for a truly awesome turnout!
><)> > *** WALK-ABOUT ***
><)> >
><)> > In 24 hours, no less than 245 concerned
><)> individuals signed the petition,
><)> > which I am about to send to the Detroit city
><)> council members. They will be
><)> > meeting tomorrow to discuss the closing of the
><)> Belle Isle Aquarium.
><)> >
><)> > On Wednesday around 1:00-1:30pm, Detroit Zoo
><)> Director Ron Kagan will be
><)> > whisking by the Aquarium (One of his few visits)
><)> presumably to give the
><)> > employees their marching orders. It would be
><)> nice if he were to see the
><)> > place packed with friends of the Belle Isle Aquarium.
><)> >
><)> > Detroit Zoo Director Ron Kagan has not exactly
><)> been a vigilant custodian
><)> of
><)> > the Aquarium. The establishment has been kept on
><)> a starvation budget. In
><)> his
><)> > tenure, no advertising that we have been able to
><)> discover has ever been
><)> > earmarked for the Aquarium. One would almost
><)> think he wanted the place
><)> > closed.
><)> > *Call and email Detroit Council members NOW!
><)> They meet on tomorrow to
><)> > discuss the aquarium. there is a 'One button
><)> contacts all' at:
><)> >
><)> >
><)> > Things YOU can do NOW:
><)> >
><)> > * Contact the Mayor - I have been unable to find
><)> a Mayor's office email
><)> > address. let me know if you find one. tell him
><)> what you think.
><)> >
><)> > * Get in touch with Detroit Zoo Director Ron
><)> Kagan. He need to hear from
><)> you.
><)> >
><)> > * Contact the Zoological Society - Let them know
><)> your displeasure!
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> > Sincerely,
><)> > Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium
><)> > Stephen Goodfellow
><)> > Admin
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >
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