Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- fish from convention
From: Todd Crail (
Date: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 15:27:32 CDT
Oh man Jim, that has to be awesome! Got pics?!? They are a lively crew, and I think if something ever goes wrong with my Rainbowfish again, I'll be looking up the SC Boyz for a trip to get their replacements. That can be my "exotic" tank lol :)
Speaking of which... I have 1 male fieryblack, 1 male yellowfin and one of the untold magnificent male whitefin shiners we got on the Savannah drainage (I'll try and get a pic online... Cyprinella is so dang hard to photograph).
My Inner Gollum (tm) had a meticulously planned appeal and capture by Mr. Riebe as we were separating my one gilt darter (my big take lol) from his fish. I gotta get them out of here. Spotfins just don't hold a candle to these fish... I gotta get back on track with my "Ohio Tank" theme so the first question again is:
"Wow! What are those silvery fish with the white tipped fins and iridescence!?"
Instead of:
"Holy Moley! That orange and black striped fish is from Ohio?! What about that steel blue one with the yellow fins?! The striped black and red one? Well those rainbow darters are pretty cool..."
So if anyone has room for these three animals, let me know. I'm not shipping them right now, its too hot. But will be glad to meet up-in-a collecting location inbetween (within reason) to make the deposit and do some sampling while there :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Graham
It's nice to have the list back operational.
How did everybody do with the fish taken home from convention??
I think lost maybe three fish after I got home. The 300 gallon tank in my living room is abuzz with activity. I've got Fieryblacks, warpaints, yellow-finned, saffron's?, tessellated darters and some rosefin shiners from a previous trip. The shiners all picked up eating prepared foods (flake and small pellets)right away not sure about the darters. The darters seem to be doing ok as I built a darter feeding tool out of pvc pipe and a funnel so I can shoot daphnia and mosquito larvae right to bottom of tank to get it past all the shiners.
I still think Chip and Dustin should host it again so we can go on the trips we didn't get to go on this year!! just kiddind
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: Wed Sep 29 2004 - 12:21:32 CDT