Re: NANFA-L-- Question about Pirate perch's scientific name

Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Question about Pirate perch's scientific name
Date: Wed Jul 21 2004 - 15:17:06 CDT

The -anus suffix is another way of saying "of." For example, "virginianus" means "of Virginia." My guess is that Gilliams picked "sayanus" over "sayi" for one or both of these reasons:

1) It has a double meaning, both honoring entomologist Thomas Say and referring to the fish's anal anatomical oddity.

2) Gilliams and Say were friends and colleagues. So maybe Gilliams was having some fun-in-Say's expense, forever linking Say's name with the rectal orifice.

And who knows, maybe Say was an assh*le.

Chris Scharpf
near Herring Run
Baltimore, USA

> Just wondering why the pirate perch's scientific name [species name]
> is sayanus? Why not sayi or something that is generally used?
> Tony
> River system outside North America
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: Wed Sep 29 2004 - 12:21:33 CDT