>From: Noturus2-in-aol.com
>Date: 2006/07/27 Thu PM 02:50:50 CDT
>To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
>Subject: NANFA-L-- perils of Fla collecting
>I was out collecting fish this past Tuesday about 7 miles south of South
>Bay, Florida. It was off Rt 27 sugar cane country. There are irrigation ditches
>alongside the fields of sugar cane. Driving along the ditches looked weedy and
>I thought a good collecting opportunity.
>I pulled off the highway got out my net and some breathing bags just in case
>I caught something interesting.
> I began dipping and caught a few Mayan cichlids, Lucania goodei and
>gambusia. Up ahead the ditch looked better so I began to move up the bank. There
>was an old rubber truck tire that I hit with my foot. Almost immediately a
>swarm of bees came up out of the tire targeting my ears and neck. I scrambled up
>the bank screaming all the way, got to my car which of course I had locked. I
>fumbled for my keys and got in. Lots of bees in the car and plenty more
>outside. I scraped what I could off and drove a ways away and opened the windows
>to let out most of the bees. I kept finding one in my shirt one in my shorts
>Almost-in-once my lips and ears began to swell. I had some water in the car
>and washed off where most of the stings were. I also had some Aleve with me
>and took a couple. I picked stings out of me for about 20 miles down the road.
>I'm not allergic but was thankful I survived the attack.
>All in all a pretty horrific event. I looked-in-some bee sites on the
>Internet and am sure that these were africanized honey bees.
>Andy Borgia
>Key West, Fl
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