RE: NANFA-L-- Winter AC is in the mail!

Chip Rinehart (
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 06:20:57 -0500

I've been able to get my pygmies to eat frozen bloodworms and frozen daphnia pretty quickly. It does help if you put some live food similar to the frozen to get them started.

Elassoma boehlkei are protected here in SC but Riverbanks maintains several populations of them in their Species Maintenance Program. Dustin and I have found some nice populations of them, a few of which are now protected and another is in the works. Also found some populations of E. okatie. I will be taking two people from Riverbanks (and a DNR guy or two maybe) to get some bluebarred pygmies this Saturday (hopefully from-in-least three separate locations.

Chip in SC

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Mysteryman
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:22 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Winter AC is in the mail!

I got mine today. I didn't know I was in it, so that was a fun surprise.
So, that's what some of you guys look like, eh?
I've never really gotten all that excited by Elassomas before, but after
reading this AC issue I think a trip to the nearby swamp is in order.
It's been awhile since I kept them, but methinks they deserve a tank of
their own. Hmmm... I wonder if I can get them to eat Cyclop-eze if I mix
it with live ones? Does anybody have any E. boehlkei?
Anyway, as usual, a fine publication!
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