RE: RE: NANFA-L-- New Regional Book for GA & SC

Irate Mormon (
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 17:24:12 -0500

Quoting John Knight <>:

It seems like a duplication of money and effort, that's my only point. I'm not
claiming that somebody is being lazy or apathetic. Also, Georgia is the only
holdout in the proverbial piscene rainforest which does not have a state fishes
book. Hell, even MISSISSIPPI beat 'em to the punch, and we've got a lot less
money to spread around than Georgia does. I suspect it's been a funding
shortfall rather than a labor shortage, although I have no way of knowing. But
why have a book on the Savannah River basin if a more comprehensive publication
is in the works? I admit naivite about how stuff like this works. I guess fish
books are not considered "real work", and you have to do other stuff-in-the same
time to justify your salary? Like, if you don't publish SOMETHING, even a bunch
of trivial stuff that nobody cares about, then you aren't actually considered to
be doing anything?? Why is it not sufficient to be a "mere" teacher in the
academic world?

> Woaw,
> now calm down folks. I have to speak up on this note.


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is." - Yogi Berra
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