It's something I've been tinkering with for a few years. Details here:
I hope to release a huge chunk of it this year, but fulltime work and
fatherhood -- please all the other stuff I do for NANFA -- have slowed
progress down quite a bit. I got up-in-5 this morning to make some updates
to the sturgeon chapter, but the boy heard me stirring about and decided he
wanted to be up too. Maybe I can squeeze in a paragraph when he takes a nap.
Sent the final pages of the Spring American Currents to the proofreaders
yesterday. This is going to be the best issue ever:
* Charlie Nunziata on breeding Cyprinodon variegatus
* Bob Muller on the differences b/w breeding temperate & tropical fishes
* Peter Unmack on the role of the conservation aquarist
* Jeremy Tiemann on madtom natural history and captive propagation
* Dustin Smith on Elassoma
* Bob Bock on Heterandria and Gambusia
* Tyler Strange and Heather Smith on the fairy shrimp as a native fish food
There's still time to get on the mailing list. Join or renew your membership
I'm pushing to have this issue printed in time for distribution-in-the
Convention -- which is just 5 weeks away!
Chris Scharpf
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