But how big of a tank is required to raise such a
fish like this sturgeon in captivity. What is the like
hood of captive breeding this specie? My thoughts were
that there is only a slim chance someone would have
the space to house just one of these let alone have a
tank set up for breeding these fish. Then when you
take into account his comment about don't ask how I
got them really makes it look like wild caught fish.
Later, John
--- Dustin Smith <dsmith73-in-hotmail.com> wrote:
Like someone else mentioned, there are
> many fishes that are protected or even possibly
> extinct within their home
> range(ie. Ameca splendens and other Goodeids), but
> are readily available via
> other hobbyists on Aquabid. Should these sales also
> be disallowed.
> I am not on one side or the other here. I believe
> the sturgeon auction
> should be removed, if for no other reason, the
> sketchy origin. I also think
> that some fish such as the Goodeids and killies
> should continue to be
> allowed. These fish would be gone altogether due to
> habitat loss if not for
> the network of hobbyists and other institutions that
> continue to propagate
> them.
> Dustin Smith
> Lexington, SC
> At the convergence of the Broad, Saluda and Congaree
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: Mysteryman <bestfish-in-alaweb.com>
> Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Re: Chinese Sturgeon on
> AquaBid
> Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 04:38:49 -0700
> matt ashton wrote:
> >It falls under Cites Appendix II. All Acipenseridae
> species that are not
> >listed under Appendix I are listed under Appendix
> II.
> > Matt
> >
> I'll tell you the reason for the attitude:
> money.
> Aquabid gets a percentage from sales, and an
> expensive fish like that makes
> more money for AB. ALSO, controversy results in
> pageviews, and pageviews
> translate into money from the advertisers.
> Aquabid disallows the sales of all herps, but
> hypocritically & routinely
> allows the sale of restricted fishes & plants. No
> one has been able to
> figure out that one.
John Cox of Cumberland Killifish
Honey Robber beekeeping and removal services
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