It is true that I occasionally bring numbers of fish over the Atlantic - but
in the other direction. ;-) Fish for friends and clubs in the USA which I am
sampling to safe my friends money for shipment. And to make access to
certain species possible-in-all. Would have loved to earn something from
that but doubt I have come out of it balanced. I have been sent NANF from
friends of the NANFA and am breeding these and have handed them to other
breeders. But never there was a group of a species more than 50 fish. Mostly
ten to twenty to puffer transport losses and widen the basis for a captive
Am 11.05.2006 4:57 Uhr schrieb "Michael Gaines" unter
> I believe that is correct. Steffan is a hobbyist and breeder, not a collector
> of fishes which shouldn't be in the aquarium!
> Personally I'm glad that American species are bred in Europe if it is by
> responsible hobbyists (such as Steffan) and NEVER released. The only caveat
> is that they only take enough for breeding, not enough to be selling wild
> stock.
> Michael
> Sinclair <> wrote:
> Derek, and All:
> I'm rather certain Steffan Hellner isn't the person offering a Chinese
> Sturgeon on AquaBid about whom we've been talking. I've only met
> him once, and that quite briefly,-in-the Northwest Killifish convention
> in Portland OR several years ago. He was on the program, but I was
> unable to stick around to hear his presentation. However it is my
> impression that he is a very serious and responsible freshwater fishes
> enthusiast.
> I ran a Google check on his name and found several postings by him
> to the NANFA list back in 2003.
> There was a recent very scathing posting to either the NANFA list or
> the NFC list (I forget which) on the subject of Europeans collecting
> huge numbers of fishes to take back across the Atlantic for sale in the
> aquarium trade. I think Steffan Hellner's name was mentioned in that
> regard (but I'm not positive about that). If so, that probably is what his
> message concerns.
> Bob
> Santa Barbara CA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Derek Parr"
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 6:36 PM
> Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- My apaologies to change the topic!
>> It's great to hear from you. I presume that you are the one selling the
>> chinese sturgeon we've been talking about? If so, there's a lot of
>> information lacking, and it would be great to hear where the fish came
>> from. We've been having a vibrant discussion on this subject and it is
>> great to get your input.
>> Thanks,
>> -derek
>> Steffen Hellner wrote:
>>> Dear members of NANFA mailing list,
>>> from a friend I received notice that in this mailing list recently my
>>> name
>>> was mentioned in a negative manner, discriminating me as a plunderer of
>>> wild
>>> fish for commercial interest. I didn4t follow this list for quite some
>>> time
>>> because I had to recognize that certain people don4t like foreigners to
>>> collect fish in the USA and - even worse - possibly breeding them. It was
>>> all about the Pteronotropis hubbsi, and welaka which I liked to get for
>>> breeding attempts.
>>> As I didn4t find archives for 2006 I cannot proof right or wrong what was
>>> colportated to me. However, putting me into the commercial corner or that
>>> I
>>> was or am plundering nature is more than utter nonsense, it is
>>> disgusting!
>>> I am aware there are people who are jealous upon my breeding successes
>>> particularly with killifish, my work in books, talks, magazines, the
>>> species
>>> named after me in honor of my fieldwork (keep belted, there is a third
>>> "hellneri" on the way), the new species I discovered or whatever. Can4t
>>> change this.
>>> But I can proof that all my collecting in the tropics or neotropics was
>>> legal, and under license of the appropriate authorities of the respective
>>> countries. Even last year when I was guest-in-the Northwest Killies in
>>> Portland, OR, all fishes I brought in and took out were checked and
>>> approved
>>> by F&W. So what, ladies and gentlemen?
>>> Many of you know that many people, and for sure as well members of this
>>> group, are violating federal or state laws over and over again when being
>>> out for collecting. Mostly unintentional, sometimes without doubt by
>>> knowing
>>> what the faults are. Or does everybody of you know all legislation for
>>> all
>>> states you collect fish in? Must be more than a lawyer. Even people who
>>> actively want to keep to any regulations are trapped by the constant
>>> change
>>> and additional amendments in several states. Even FWS and customs
>>> sometimes
>>> are not always up to date. Why are so many species endangered,
>>> particularly
>>> by introduction of exotic or competitive native species: Tigersalamanders
>>> throughout the USA, Gambusia elsewhere, snakeheads, catfish, Florida is
>>> full
>>> of everything ever offered in the pet trade. There are species sent
>>> across
>>> the USA which are prohibited to possess in certain states. Hardly anybody
>>> cares for. Many species are illegal to keep or even import into e.g.
>>> Oregon,
>>> and California, for example the Axolotl, snakeheads and others. Want to
>>> check some public trade sites to proof reality?
>>> It is easy, but not really friendly, to publically accuse people off line
>>> for things they never did or will ever do. I never have plundered any
>>> site
>>> where I collected. In most cases there are only a few fish of a seeked
>>> species to be found. If many, then a group of 50 out of 1000 is not
>>> plundering, or is it? Then many of you must be ashamed for the thousands
>>> of
>>> NANF collected every year in the wild for the only purpose to keep them
>>> in a
>>> tank without even attempting to breed them. I breed ALL of my fish, not
>>> only
>>> killis but as well SRBD with excellent success.
>>> And I am convinced to the bones that I alone have already bred more fish
>>> than those people who try to discredit me all together will ever breed in
>>> their life. So better try breeding simple fish before you fantasize about
>>> hubbsi or welaka.
>>> And regarding "commercialism": breeding fish not only takes time but
>>> resources. And if one has nothing to change I will sell my fish, of
>>> course.
>>> Anybody here ever payed 10.000 bucks for a collecting trip to Brazil or
>>> Gaboon? No? And after donated first ever imported and bred fish to
>>> friends
>>> or clubs? No? Well then, collecting fish for nill in front of your door
>>> instead of buying in a petshop is not commercialism. Yap! Including all
>>> honorars for books, articles, photos, talks or sold fish, I have spent
>>> way
>>> more than the prize of a good Merc for my fish hobby over the years.
>>> Maybe
>>> deficit spending works for states but without doubt not for private
>>> persons.
>>> My apologies to all honest people in this mailing list for my clear
>>> words.
>>> But I hope you will understand that I can not keep quiet if such
>>> statements
>>> are made in the public.
>>> sincerely,
>>> Steffen Hellner
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