Re: NANFA-L-- Old story, new twist? Old twist new story. Please

Hold The Cow! (
Fri, 19 May 2006 12:51:50 -0400


"but we seem to have a
real problem even looking-in-the possibility of introducing a fish that
almost certainly be harmless. Yet we bring fish from one watershed to
another like introducing flathead catfish or some aggressive sort of trout
or large
mouth bass outside their range without even much of a thought."


Good point. A lot of this is probably revenue generated. For example,
someone of high profile (no names) from The Nature Conservancy in Ohio, back
in 1995once told me that if the DNR thought that clearcutting large areas
of the Shawnee State Forest (Ohio) would create more grouse habitat to SELL
MORE hunting licenses, they would do it.

Overall, originally, I think Moon was just looking-in-simply entertaining
the idea of introducing something that could be benign, yet fill a void
somehow, as a way to save a species. something benign, as perhaps say a
dandelion is in a field.....but I don't know that introductions of anything
into the aquatic environment would be totally benign, and that was the idea
to be pondered.

Ok.. Let's not offshoot on dandelions now. I love dandelion salad!
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