Hosted by the Missouri Department of Conservation
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
September 14-18, 2006
You are invited to attend the 2006 NANFA Convention in Cape Girardeau, MO on
Thursday, September 14th through Monday, September 18th. The NANFA
Convention is a great way to get together with other native fish
enthusiasts, welcome new ones, and support the organization.
Field Trips
We have some great field trips planned that everyone will enjoy, including
the Mississippi River, Black River (Ozarks) and the Mingo Basin Lowlands.
These trips will provide an unusual opportunity to see both rare large river
fishes and swamp critters. We will offer a different and exciting experience
by demonstrating the famous Missouri Trawl and using canoes to reach
out-of-the-way places while enjoying Missouri's outdoors. (A limited number
of canoes will be available; if you own one, please bring it along with life
jackets. Don9t fret if do not have a canoe; we will not leave you on bank!)
If you plan to sample only during the field trips, no permits are required.
If you plan to sample on your own, you will need to obtain a permit; call
for details.
Remember, September in southeastern Missouri is usually a sunny and warm
month, but fall rains can set in so make sure you are equipped for any
Conference registration includes main course or evening meals, but for the
field trips consider purchasing box lunches-in-$7.50 each. Please let us
know ahead of time if you would like to have a box lunch.
The Convention will be held-in-the Victoria Inn & Suites with the
presentations and banquet in the Lewis and Clark room of the Plaza
Conference Center (walking distance from Victoria Inn). We will also have a
Hospitality Room available for everyone to gather, visit, meet new people,
and get reacquainted with old friends. The Victorian Inn is located just off
Interstate Highway 55 and Route K in Cape Girardeau. Sixty rooms have been
reserved until August 21, 2006. Room rate is $70/night and will sleep up to
five people. To reserve a room, call either 1-800-331-0445 or 573-651-4486.
Tell them you are with NANFA. The hotel offers complimentary continental
breakfast, indoor pool, whirlpool, fitness room, and recreation area/ game
rooms. Several restaurants are within walking distance and include Cracker
Barrel, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Ruby Tuesdays, and several others.
Registration is $65 per person if received by August 14 and $75 per person
thereafter. Student and spouse registration is $30 per person if received by
August 14 and $35 per person thereafter. Payment may be made online with
your credit card via PayPal:
Thursday: arrival and registration. Friday: registration and field trip.
Saturday: banquet and auction. Sunday and Monday: field trips. Details about
the schedule will be sent to those who register.
The t-shirt for this year's convention is in the works and will feature two
of Missouri9s rarest fishes. Dave Neely and Casper Cox are the designers.
Cape Girardeau, Where the River Turns a Thousand Tales, offers wonderful
opportunities for leisure activities before, after and during the Convention
that include spectacular natural vistas, shopping, history, and more. An
information packet about Cape Girardeau will be available-in-registration.
Getting Here
Cape Girardeau Regional Airport offers daily flight connections to St.
Louis. Cape Girardeau is centrally located-in-Interstate 55 between St.
Louis and Memphis. We9re also an easy auto commute from a myriad of Midwest
Questions? Contact:
Bob Hrabik or Suzanne Speer
573-243-2659, ext. 22.
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