I hate it when I make stupid mistakes like this one. :-(
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mysteryman" <bestfish-in-alaweb.com>
To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Devil's Hole Pupfish Go To Vegas; No Lie
> Sinclair wrote:
>> According to a story-in-http://msnbc.msn.com/id/12913332/ the
>> total population of Cyprinodon salinus salinus-in-Devil's Hole is
>> a mere 36 fish. So 25% of the population is being moved. I hope
>> this seemingly ill advised action doesn't prove to be speeding the
>> death of the population. Mandalay Bay casino's aquarium?
> When did the name get changed to salinus from diabolis?
> Only 36 fish. Wow. I knew that little screw-up really did a lot of damage,
> but good grief!
> I am normally an advocate of captive breeding, but with only 36 remaining
> fish, I have to side with those who say "just leave them alone" on this
> one. Well, almost. Couldn't they be supplementally fed or something to
> spur production? It seems to me that growing their favorite algae in mass
> quantities should be easy enough.
> Here's another idea, albeit a bit goofy.
> The food grows on only one little spot in the hole because that's the only
> place the light reaches. There are still many good shelves available for
> food growing, but they're in the dark. How hard would it be to install
> some interior lighting for illuminating some of those interior shelves to
> increase food growth for the pupfishes? Extra steps would have to be taken
> to make any such lighting extraordinarily safe & foolproof, of course. Is
> there any electricity available-in-the site?
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