I was using a cast net so it is easier to catch fish
in slower moving water than in the fast moving water.
But none of these were found in the slow moving water
areas where I was. I know that large male was every
bit of 6 inches and very well colored. The one that
killed himself before I could do the bag photos was
measured when I got home and was just over 4 inches.
Something I have thought about is taking my fish net
with me next time(should be in the morning) and
catching some of the thousands of these fry I see and
raise them in tanks to see what they are. Anyway to
atleast guess what a 1/2-3/4 inch fry would be? Shape,
number of fins, ect or does the dorsal move back as
the fish grows as the killies dorsal is near the rear.
I know my A. lineatus Golden Wonders dorsal is near
center but slightly back on the small fry and as the
fish grows it seems to slide back some. But the Fp.
gardneri dorsal in near the back of the small fry and
does not seem to move-in-all as the fish grows. I hope
that explains what I was talking about.
Later, John
I plan on getting rid of my cichlids and giving the
angel fish that tank. Then the studfish will get the
20 the angels are in when I go back and catch more.
Who needs cichlids when our natives are just as big
and pretty and are killies to boot, LOL? Well actually
the plan was to move the angels anyway but now instead
of a fry grow out tank it will be for studfish.
Now if only I can hook up with those of you close
enough to me(Matt, Casper) so I can learn what these
other fish are. I know the feild guide the library has
does not show these fish I have in my tank(black and
red when caught now grey and pink). If they color back
up they will also rival any tropical fish for redness.
The shiners do not really intrest me but it would be
nice to be able to give yall a catch list so you could
find what you are looking for.
Later, John
--- geoffrey kimber <gkimber2-in-gmail.com> wrote:
> I have kept northern studfish before and they are a
> trip. Unlike most
> other native topminnows I have kept, I have never
> been able to get
> studfish to take flake - it's either frozen or live
> food, so that has
> tempered my interest in these large, hungry fish.
> You will also need to cover the tank completely as
> these fish are jumpers.
> It was *much* easier to catch them like this than by
> chasing down a
> school of adult fish in open water. They are
> *fast*, as I'm sure you
> have discovered.
> You will also get younger fish this way which will
> be easier to
> transport and may acclimate to aquarium life more
> readily.
John Cox of Cumberland Killifish
Honey Robber beekeeping and removal services
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