NANFA-L-- Flagfish

Mark (
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 13:56:07 -0500

At 12:07 PM -0800 11/10/05, matt ashton wrote:
>I love my Flagfish too! I got some in the mail last month, put them
>in a 5 gal with a few E. zonatum fry packed with elodea, java moss,
>and some other local plants that look like java moss and they have
>taken off in size and color. I rarely see them so I'm not sure my
>sex ratio and I'm not too concerned about spawning but there is
>nothing more that I enjoy right now than seeing a Flagfish poke out
>of one of the holes in the elodea clumps and grab my attention away
>from the TV up above.


have you observed the flagfish nipping-in-the fins of the zonatum?

Conejo Creek drainage
California USA


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