Corporations don't give money away unless they are going to get something in
return. If they buy something they receive goods or services AND they
reduce their tax liability. Why would they make large political
contributions unless they expected a good return on their investment? These
are business people, they have a board of directors and stock holders to
answer to.
They caught a few with their hands in the cookie jar, but most are smart
enough to hire lawyers that are smarter than they are. That and they exempt
themselves from the laws they impose on the rest of the country......
Drummond Howard
Gaithersburg, Maryland
>From: Jerry Baker <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Dam Politicians!
>Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:31:51 -0800
> wrote:
>>Too bad Craig can't also shut down the judicial system that used FPC data
>>to order more water to be spilled over the dams.
>If someone would pull the wool off of their eyes and realize that the
>"free speech" involved with political contributions is trampling the
>fundamental concepts of democracy and representative government, we
>could finally outlaw ALL political contributions and publicly fund
>campaigns. What a small price to pay all things considered.
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