Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Upcoming outing
From: Todd Crail (farmertodd at
Date: Thu Oct 07 2004 - 20:53:53 CDT
We're going to start at Copperas Mountain, which is on.... Pg 77 of the DeLorme I think? I hope you have one with you. If not, let me know, and I'll make real directions tomorrow, although I have a class from 9-12 so I will be short on time. I am guessing we'll be on this site by 10am. I have your cell number, and will try and get you someone else's tomorrow. Any other people who'd like to join us are still welcome. Just let me know quickly if we can expect you!
If you do have a DeLorme (and maybe someone can verify the page numbers and such tonight?)...
Find Chilicothe, head west along Paint Creek. It makes its way a little bit north between the pages and then turns sharply south (going upstream) on the next page. To the south and east of this bend is Copperas Mountain, and it's labelled on there. You will see Storm Station Road. We'll be on the gravel road that kind of goes along the stream and then dead ends.
Once you locate it on the map, you should see how to get there from US 23.
The second site is on Alum Falls Road. There's a fishing access somewhere along there that is right on the Falls (hoping to get a little bit more clarification from Ted). This is the hellbender site and should be crawling with bluebreasts, tippecanoes and variegates. Dr. Cavender said there were abundant sand darter and dusky darter at the Copperas Mountain site (which I'm also hoping is pretty loaded with unio's). If either are not, they'll be pretty sites to visit and the SR 772 site is right down the street where I know it's crawling with them, if we need to get you caught up to what we saw on Saturday :) I sampled 27 species there _by myself_ last fall.
----- Original Message -----
From: matt ashton
To: nanfa-l at
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Upcoming outing
is the chillocothe location for Paint Creek still planned? It looked like you said they moved and "see below" but I couldnt really decifer any exact location. SO if i could get a meeting place or a bridge or SR to go to and just give you a call that would be greatIf anyone is sticking around monday too I would be more than willing to.
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:40 CST