Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- America's national fish
From: James Smith (jim at
Date: Thu Sep 09 2004 - 00:18:17 CDT
Ya know, pumpkinseeds are pretty, but I would LOVE to be able to go and
catch Mexican tetras, pupfish and especially Rio Grande Cichlids. I know
this post is way off topic, but the idea of having to make due with fish
like these makes my jaw hang low. I almost flew to Texas this summer just
to get myself some F0 Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum. The idea was really what
got me into thinking about native fish in the aquarium! It's
funny to read, especially for someone who has never seen cichlids in the
wild. That first fish is a beauty too!
Whenever I think of these fish I feel like a boy who wants a puppy...
At 04:28 PM 9/8/2004, you wrote:
>The pumpkinseed introduced those who grew up in the NE quadrant of the
>country to native fishes. The rest of us had to get along on whatever we
>had native to our regions.
>The first native fishes I knew were red shiners, _Dionda episcopa_ and _D.
>diaboli_ (both called potbellies by my father), pupfishes, Rio Grande
>cichlids, and gray redhorse, among others. The first time I ever
>snorkled, at 5 years old, I was watching Mexican tetras ("rippers" to my
>father, I think because he found it hard to keep them and minnows in the
>same bait bucket).
> I must have been deprived, to have missed out on the pumpkinseeds ;=).
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:16 CST