Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- fieryblack shiners
From: Bob Muller (michiganfish at
Date: Fri Sep 17 2004 - 19:04:52 CDT
I had the Greater Detroit Aquarium Society's (GDAS) board meeting at my home Wednesday night. These are people that usually don't get excited about my natives. My 60 gallon native community tank had fierybacks, rainbow, safron, yellowfin shiners and rosysde dace in it. They were all asking about the fieryblacks. How long do they hold their breeding color in the aquarium? On water temp would they take say 75 to 80 in a tropical tank? When I raise a bunch of natives there comes a time when I have to get ride of them. Usually I can't give them away, I don't think there will be a problem with these fish. The last time I had a GDAS board meeting I commented that I had, had rainbow shiners set up in a spawning tank for months and nothing was happening. I said maybe I had all of one sex. The next morning the spawned. I made similar comments on the fierybacks, maybe the female was a young male and the next day eggs. I need to hold all the board meetings here they seem to be good luck.
Bob Muller
----- Original Message -----
From: Ipchay61 at
To: nanfa-l at
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- fieryblack shiners
Fieryblacks are probably my favorite shiner, if not my favorite fish period. In a contest just for striking appearence, I would put a big, colored up male, up against nearly any other fish. There are other fish with more color but a fieryblack with it's "rudolph red" nose, vivd red & black caudal fin, head tubercles, and bluish silver sheen takes a backseat to no one!
Chip in SC
In a message dated 9/17/2004 5:35:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, michiganfish at writes:
These were not a fish I was real interested in at the convention, but after watching them in my tanks, the displaying males are the most striking fish I have ever seen. I figured they had to be spawning if only because the males have maintained color and tubercles.
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:20 CST