Subject: NANFA-L-- Breeding cories
From: geoff (gkimber2 at
Date: Mon Sep 20 2004 - 21:03:10 CDT
I know this isn't about native fish, but it is related - I use cories to
pick up missed food in the one tank I have kept going beofre I move.
Please respond directly to me. Thanks
Anyway - I have some albino cories I got from Mark Binkley before he
moved, along with some regular cories. I notived yesterday that a
couple of them looked a little fat yesterday, and today there are eggs
all over (and I do mean all over) the glass of the 29 gallon tank the
fish are in.
I have never bred cories, and I would like to raise up a few of the
fry. Any advice?
I noticed that a couple of the albino cories have a curved spine - is
this likely to be congenital or due to a nutritional eficiency or is
this unknowable? If it's genetic, I will be less likely to bother with
the fry and just try again some other time. If it's nutritional, do you
all have any ideas on how to prevent it?
Geoff Kimber
I'm still in lexington, KY
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:21 CST