Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- plants and soil
From: njz (njz at
Date: Wed Sep 29 2004 - 19:16:51 CDT
Are you sure the yellow color isn't due to the 55K bulbs? Even though they
are "daylight", they do make things look very yellow. 65K's would
definitley be better, but they even look yellow. Remember your reefer days?
Nick Zarlinga
"If we ignore nature.....maybe it'll go away."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <farmertodd at>
To: <nanfa-l at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- plants and soil
> From: "James Smith" <jim at>
> > If your driftwood is new, that's definitely it.
> Thanks Jim. I'm pretty sure that it is as well. The question will be how
> to boil this dumb thing. It may be easier to just give it time and
> waterchanges. You'll see in the pictures below... It's a pretty
> piece of wood :)
> From: <Moontanman at>
> > How much metal halide light are you using and what light/dark cycle?
> > you
> > thought of using a good AC to remove the yellow from the water?
> I have 2 175 watt metal halides on a 100 gallon (72x18x18). The ballasts
> are PFO (which _are_ geared to drive lamps optimally for aquaria,
> hydroponics and displays) and the lamps themselves are Venture 5500k.
> Here's some pictures if you're interested:
> I would have topped it off and stuff for aesthetics, but like I mentioned,
> it's in a swing period right now. I just basically walked downstairs and
> what you see is what you get :) If you would like to compare it against
> August 23rd pics, just go back to /100gal/
> You can then see how the val has taken over the right end of the tank.
> left end had a bunch of hornwort I removed last night. That should
> pretty quickly, especially after I make an adjustment on the left light to
> move it out away a bit from the driftwood. I wanted to create shadow
> but I'm mainly growing an algae culture right now, especially in the
> of the snails (they DID NOT like the salt bath!) You wouldn't believe how
> much algae those things eat. Good thing they're easy to replace :)
> 100gal_03.jpg gives you an idea of how much current I'm kickin. I took a
> Rio 2100, attached an Eheim spray bar and viola! You have instant
> directional current. You can kinda see it in 02 and maybe 01 there in the
> left bottom. I'll take a better pic if people would like to see how
> it is.
> In the future, I'd like to replace it with a heavier duty, more efficient
> Eheim powerhead. But for now... This works. Also, the driftwood helps
> deflect it back to itself... The return from the canister also goes down
> back.
> And I will say this... It is so amazing to watch the darters play in the
> current. Totally different animals. Some suprises too... The blackside
> darters _love_ to play in the current. I would have thought they'd be
> chillin' over by the driftwood (which they do probably half the time), but
> that seems to be rainbow darter habitat, the orangethroats hang over in
> slower water among the val (not a suprise). But those blacksides are all
> about swimming into the current!
> Of course, the variegate, greenside and banded darters just romp right
> around in full on current like it's nobody's business :) Something else
> I've noticed... They seem to sit up on what would be the riffle behind the
> current (just below the spray bar) and then dart out into the open to grab
> food. Some cool partitioning going on for sure.
> I can't wait to get my suckers in there. But prudence first. I'm going
> 6 and 8 months with some of them, and they ain't goin' out like that!
> will be many more less "weighted" introductions before they move in :)
> Oh and check out that tadpole madtom. Thing looks like a danged bullhead!
> I'm sad they passed away in all of this.
> Todd
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:24 CST