Re: NANFA-- Erymyzon

Bruce Stallsmith (
Wed, 05 Apr 2000 22:16:44 EDT

There are examples in coral reef system of symbiotic relationships of a fish
species and a shrimp or lobster species sharing a burrow and working
together in hunting food. (Can't remember species names off the top of my
head.) Finding it in a temperate freshwater system would be a first, to my
knowledge. And chubsuckers are tough fish, anyway.

--Bruce Stallsmith
"ain't no coral reefs in Huntsville, AL"

> > I had never thought about crawdad holes for refuge before.  Wonder if
> > it could happen?
>That was Jan Hoover's idea.  I don't know how long a fish could
>survive in one before dying of anoxia or being eaten by the
>crawdad, but it's an interesting hypothesis.

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