--Bruce Stallsmith
>From: BR0630_at_aol.com
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- Fresh water shrimp??
>Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 00:49:11 EDT
>I was out dipnetting daphnia in a shallow pool made from spring runoff
> The pool is about 24" at its deepest and maybe 15' in diameter. The pool
>below a resevoir, but does not receive water from the resevoir except in
>exceptionally wet years (this year hasn't been wet). I'm sure this pool
>becomes completely dry during the summer. Anyhow, I saw some red 'bugs' in
>the water with the 'normal' green daphnia These little red critters were
>about 3/16" long, had antanae that were as long as their bodies, had a
>rudder about midway down their carapace, had a shrimp-like abdomen/tail
>but looked as though they motored around with those antanae. Some had
>black egg sacks attached to their abdomen/tail fan. And the water was
>with them, more so than with daphnia. Anyone out there with a good idea of
>what I found? My fish relish them :)
>Bruce Scott
>Meridian, Idaho
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